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Moving on?

In life, we meet people, some who are to stay with us while others are just tourists. they become part of your life journey. I have come to learn that everyone has a purpose in your life. Sometimes we get hurt to the point of wanting to die, but then again, God cannot put you through something He knows you cannot handle. Do not live in regrets, instead you should be thanking God for putting you in such a situation because it has helped you grow emotionally, mentally and spiritually too as a person. Everything happens for a reason. Do no hold grudges with people who have done you dirty, instead kill the with kindness. Because this is someone you once loved and really cared about. Stop thinking about all the negative things during that friendship or relationship. When you cloud your mind with negativity, you might find yourself overthinking, and overthinking leads to depression and that's not a cute thing baby. When trying to forget about this certain person, you will have to start enjoying your own company, have lunch and dinner by yourself, travel around the country by yourself, spoil yourself, buy yourself gifts, love yourself even more. You won't be able to discover your strengths and weaknesses till you do all this by yourself . Learn to love yourself and the right person will come when you least expect it.

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